About LAPOSTA2025

If I cancel my fan club membership, will the tickets I won in the advance reservation be valid?

Tickets that have been selected and paid for can be issued.

Cancelling your membership will not invalidate your rights to tickets that you have already paid for.

*Please understand that the tickets you have won in the members-only advance sale are tickets prepared for members only.

*Please do not delete Plus member ID.

*If you delete Plus member ID, the fan club cannot restore it.

In addition, application history and lottery results cannot be inquired at the fan club office.

If you have any questions regarding tickets, please use the following contact points.


■About ticket application history

Lawson Ticket



■Inquiries regarding electronic tickets, apps, and phone number authentication

⇒Please contact us [after ticket issuance begins].

Tixplus Customer Support



Electronic tickets will be displayed one week before each performance.

Please contact us after the electronic ticket display begins.

We will not be able to answer any inquiries before the display begins.


We are also planning to implement special projects exclusive to FC members, so please continue to use our services even after applying for and winning tickets.

If the above example does not resolve your issue, please contact us using the form below.

Contact Us