Win a signed postcard! Announcement of the "KCON JAPAN 2024" venue-limited ME:I OFFICIAL FANCLUB new membership and friend introduction campaign!


5月10日、11日、12日に行われる、「KCON JAPAN 2024」Makuhari Messe HALL6にLAPONE Boothが登場します!

また会場限定でME:I OFFICIAL FANCLUB会員の皆様を対象にサイン入りポストカードが当たる!新規入会・お友達紹介キャンペーンを実施いたします!




ME:I OFFICIAL FANCLUB新規入会・お友達紹介キャンペーン》

2024年5月10日(金)~5月12日(日)に「ME:I OFFICIAL FANCLUB」の月会費まとめて払いコースに新規入会された方、およびお友達を「ME:I OFFICIAL FANCLUB」にご紹介いただいた月会費まとめて払いコースの会員の方で【当日LAPONE Boothにお越しいただいた方】に特典として、ここでしか手に入らないOriginal envelope case and postcardGiveaway!


この機会に「ME:I OFFICIAL FANCLUB」にご入会いただき、オリジナルエンベロープケース&ポストカードをGETして下さい!

Don't miss this opportunity!

▼Membership period


▼Target audience

[New Membership]: "ME:I OFFICIAL FANCLUB"Monthly Membership Fee Bundle Payment Courseに新規入会された方 ※月会費コース・同月内の月会費からのコース変更は対象外です

【紹介者】:お友達を「ME:I OFFICIAL FANCLUB」に紹介いただいたご紹介者の方(= 「ME:I OFFICIAL FANCLUB」に登録済の月会費まとめて払いコースの会員の方) ※月会費コースは対象外です。月会費からのコース変更は対象となります。


*This offer also applies to those who are registered for Monthly Membership Fee Course and would like to upgrade to Monthly Membership Fee Bundle Payment Course and introduce a friend to the plan.

※お友達を紹介してくださった既存会員様は"新規ご入会者様とご一緒に各公演会場にご来場いただきLAPONE Boothにお越しいただいた方のみ"が対象となります。

*In either case, this offer does not apply to those with Monthly Membership Fee Course.

*New members can only redeem their points once during the period.


*This offer is available to new members and friend referrals to the ME:I OFFICIAL FANCLUB.

▼How to redeem and participate in the lottery

[New members]

①LAPONE Boothにお越しいただく

② Scan the QR code from the POP and display the redemption screen from the [New Members] page.

3. After staff checks, exchange

※ご紹介者の方がいらっしゃる場合は、ご一緒にLAPONE Boothへお越しください。

④ Participate in the lottery

[Existing members who introduce their friends]

①ご紹介いただいた方と一緒にLAPONE Boothにお越しいただく

2. Read the QR code from the POP and display the redemption screen from the [Referrer] page.

3. After staff checks, exchange

*If you introduce two new members, we will give you two sets of original envelope cases and postcards.

*Exchanges are limited to one per day. If you come with another new member at a different time, you will not be able to receive the original envelope case and postcard. Please make sure that both the person you introduced and the new member are together at the exchange booth.

④ Participate in the lottery

*Even if you introduce two new members, you can only participate in the lottery once per day.

▼Exchange time

各日 LAPONE Booth開始時間~終了時間

*Exchanges will not be accepted outside of opening hours, so please arrive with plenty of time.

*You can only participate in the lottery once per day.
*If you join during the above period, it does not matter if you join at the venue.
*Tickets can only be exchanged on the day of the performance. Please note that tickets cannot be exchanged at a later date.
*Exchange times etc. may change depending on the situation on the day.
*Please note that the offer will end as soon as stock runs out.