Regarding merchandise sales at the "2024 ME:ICONIC Hi-SUMMER" venue


2024年8月24日(土)、8月25日(日)に開催される、ME:I夏のファンコンサート『2024 ME:ICONIC Hi-SUMMER』会場でのグッズ販売詳細公開!


『2024 ME:ICONIC Hi-SUMMER』会場販売をご利用の際は、下記内容をご確認ください。

《会場 販売場所/時間》

【愛知】AICHI SKY EXPO Hall B ※本公演はHall Aで開催されます。









・本公演のチケットは、「ME:I OFFICIAL APP」にて電子チケットを発券します。チケットのお受け取り、公演当日ご入場の際にはスマートフォン専用アプリ「ME:I OFFICIAL APP」対応のスマートフォンが必要となります。



・本公演は、お一人様1枚チケットをお持ちいただきご入場いただきますので、同行者の方には、「ME:I OFFICIAL APP」を利用しチケットを分配してください。お申込者の分のチケットは、他の方に分配・譲渡出来ませんのでご注意ください。

・同行者の方が、チケットをお受け取りいただく際、同行者の方も「ME:I OFFICIAL APP」をダウンロード、利用登録(無料)をしていただく必要がございます。お申込みの際は、必ず本公演の参加者全員が、対応OSを搭載し、SMS認証が利用可能なスマートフォンをお持ちかをご確認の上、お申込みください。

・未分配のままご来場されますと、ご入場までにお時間がかかる場合がございます。必ずご来場までにチケットの分配、同行者の「ME:I OFFICIAL APP」のご登録・チケット受取をお済ませください。

・If you are unable to participate due to unavoidable reasons, please use the official trade.

《Venue sales payment method》


2) Credit card


4)Electronic money

*Please check the image below for details.

*Payment can only be made in one lump sum.
*When using credit card, QR code payment, or electronic money, payment may take some time depending on communication conditions. In addition, it may not be possible to use the service due to circumstances such as the communication environment.
*Please note that this cannot be used in conjunction with cash payment.
*On the day of the event, due to unavoidable circumstances, we may suspend the use of credit cards, QR code payments, and electronic money.

《About returns and exchanges》
◎We cannot exchange or return products due to customer convenience.
◎Due to the materials and production process, there may be some scratches or scuffs on the surface of the product. Please note that there are no problems with use.
◎We will do our best to ensure that there are no mistakes in the delivery of purchased items or lack of change, but please be sure to check on the spot after making your purchase. We will not be able to respond to requests made after this time has elapsed.
◎Defective products can only be exchanged on the day of the event. Please check immediately after purchasing. Please note that if the item in question is out of stock, we may issue a refund.
◎ME:I OFFICIAL LIGHT STICKは長距離輸送や航空輸送を伴うため、商品パッケージにへこみ・キズ・破れ・汚れ等のダメージ、商品自体に細かなキズ・汚れ等が付く場合がございます。予めご了承ください。

《Notes regarding product purchases, returns, and exchanges》
◎If a product is sold out, we will notify you via product POP, but please note that there may be a time difference in the notification.
◎If the item in question is sold out, we may issue a refund.
◎『2024 ME:ICONIC Hi-SUMMER』ではOFFICIAL LIGHT STICK 連動(ペアリング)を実施いたします。本公演ではBluetooth接続は不要となりますが、点灯確認ブースにて動作確認のため、必ずアプリをダウンロードしてBluetooth連動の確認をお願いいたします。
※連動(ペアリング)詳細に関しては、『2024 ME:ICONIC Hi-SUMMER』特設サイトのATTENTION(注意事項)をご確認お願いいたします。
※ME:I OFFICIAL LIGHT STICK アプリのダウンロードは以下よりお願いいたします。
・App Store
・Google Play

◎Cutting into the line or running when the line starts is extremely dangerous and is strictly prohibited.
*Product trading activities at the booth venue or near the facility
*Sit-in around the facility
*Occupying benches etc. for long periods of time
If any of these actions are observed, staff will contact you.

To prevent heatstroke, please pay attention to the following:

Please take care of your health by making sure to drink water or sports drinks regularly before you get thirsty.
Please wear cool, breathable clothing and clothes that can withstand changing weather conditions. Also, be sure to use a hat or parasol to avoid direct sunlight. (*The sales venue will be indoors.)
If you feel even the slightest bit unwell or experience any changes in your physical condition, please do not push yourself and instead speak to a member of staff nearby.

We prioritize your safety and health, and ask for your cooperation so that you can enjoy a fun concert.

▼『2024 ME:ICONIC Hi-SUMMER』特設サイトはこちら


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