Details of the "2024 ME:ICONIC Hi-SUMMER" FANCLUB limited event!



FANCLUB企画の【 会場限定|W会員抽選会 】【 WEB限定|ME:I PON! 】についての詳細をお知らせいたします!










会場にお越しの「 ME:I OFFICIAL FANCLUB 」「 ME:I Mail 」の両方に加入していただいているW会員の方を対象に



■ ME:I 賞:Meet & Greet 


■ YOU:ME 賞:オリジナルトレカ(11種類のうちから1種類ランダム)


On the day of the performance, please present the redemption page that appears by accessing the QR code on the POP displayed at the venue at the ME:I OFFICIAL FANCLUB booth.



2024年8月24日(土) 11:30~17:30(予定)

2024年8月25日(日) 10:00~17:30(予定)






*Original trading cards will be distributed randomly in exchange. Please note.

*If acts such as reselling the original trading cards that have been redeemed occur, the project itself may be canceled.

*This also applies to those who join on the day.

※ME:I OFFICIAL FANCLUBブースの位置は、当日の会場案内をご確認ください。

*The distribution will end as soon as the planned number of distribution is reached. note that.

*Please note that if you register ME:I OFFICIAL FANCLUB or ME:I Mail with a different Plus member ID (email address), you will not become a W member. Please refer here for details.


※「 ME:I OFFICIAL FANCLUB 」 または 「 ME:I Mail 」の片方のみのご登録ではご参加いただけません。

■Meet & Greet概要


*There are no plans to meet, sign autographs, or take commemorative photos with ME:I members at this event. Also, please note that you will not be able to receive gifts.

※Meet & Greetご招待に当選された方はME:I 2ND SINGLE『Hi-Five』予約キャンペーンでのご当選者様と合同でのご参加となります。あらかじめご了承ください。

<Notes regarding Meet & Greet>

[Notes regarding participation]

*Details such as the meeting time and meeting place for this event will be provided separately to the winners only.

※当イベントは『2024 ME:ICONIC Hi-SUMMER』公演終演後の実施となります。8月25日(日)は第2部終演後に実施いたします。お子様が未成年の場合は各地域の条例に従って、保護者の方の同意の上でご参加ください。未成年の方がご参加された場合は、保護者の方の同意を得たものとみなします。ご家族のご同伴・係員の付き添い等はできません。

*Please check the Meet & Greet time before participating in the lottery.

*If you are late for the meeting time, you may not be able to participate in the Meet & Greet. Please note that in that case, the prize will be invalidated.

*Depending on the situation on the day, the start time may change suddenly, or it may take some time until the guidance starts. Please check your transportation options in advance before participating. Please note that we cannot be held responsible for your return journey (last train time, etc.) if the start of the tour is delayed.

*We cannot compensate for transportation expenses, accommodation expenses, etc. if the start is delayed.

*Due to unavoidable circumstances, the event content and members may be changed or canceled. We cannot accept refunds due to changes or cancellations. Also, there will be no schedule changes. Please note.

*Please note that even if you are unable to participate due to personal reasons, fan club membership fees etc. cannot be refunded, so please be aware of this before participating.

*Meet & Greet winning rights are valid only on the day of winning. Cannot be used on other dates.

*Meet & Greet will only be available to the selected person. Under no circumstances will companions be allowed to participate.

※当日ご当選者様には、本人確認書類をご持参いただき、ご本人確認の上ご参加いただきます。いただいた個人情報は、LAPONE GIRLS、吉本興業で共有いたします。また、個人情報は本イベントの用途以外には使用いたしません。

*Resale, copying, and forgery of participation tickets are strictly prohibited. Tickets obtained through resale etc. will be invalid.


*If fraud is discovered, the winning will be invalidated.

*Re-entry is not possible after registration. note that.

*If you are coming in a wheelchair, please speak to the venue staff on the day.

*If any of the prohibited acts are discovered, you will be refused participation in future related events.

[Notes regarding the event]

*We prioritize the safety of our customers and artists, and for security reasons, we will check your baggage and temporarily hold your baggage.

*About luggage: Please leave large luggage in a coin locker at an external facility in advance. There will be no carry-on bags, luggage storage, or luggage storage facilities at the venue. When using public facilities, stations, etc. around the venue, please refrain from any behavior that may cause a nuisance to the facilities.

*Giving gifts to members by hand is prohibited.

*If inappropriate expressions are observed during the event (slandering members, forcing poses, facial expressions, or statements, acts that violate public order and morals, etc.), you may be asked to leave the event at the discretion of the staff. .

*It is prohibited to bring dangerous goods or alcoholic beverages into the event, or to participate in the event after drinking or under the influence of alcohol.

*Please follow the instructions of the staff and staff on the day. If you do not comply, we may refuse your participation or may have to cancel the Meet & Greet.

*The organizer will not be held responsible for any accidents or troubles between customers that occur at the venue due to failure to follow staff instructions and precautions.

*The organizer, venue, and performers are not responsible for any accidents or theft that occur inside or outside the event venue. Please manage your valuables by yourself.

*There is a possibility that we will photograph the Meet & Greet on the day of the event. Please note.

*Winners are strictly prohibited from recording, recording, or photographing with mobile phones, video cameras, etc. Please note that you will be asked to turn off your mobile phone before the Meet & Greet begins.

*Event participants are involved in the maintenance, operation or management of anti-social forces, etc. (organized crime groups, organized crime group members, right-wing groups, anti-social forces, and other similar persons; the same applies hereinafter) or through funding or other means. If the organizer determines that the person has any kind of interaction or involvement with anti-social forces, etc., such as cooperating with or being involved with anti-social forces, the organizer may refuse to participate in the event or purchase products from that person. will do.



*Wearing a mask will be a personal decision. Please be considerate of the customers around you when it comes to cough etiquette.

*Please check the announcements at the venue again on the day of each performance.

※新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大状況によっては案内を変更し、Meet & Greet実施の際にマスク着用や事前の検温などをお願いする場合がございます。あらかじめご了承ください。

<About identity verification when participating in Meet & Greet>

Meet & Greetへご参加の際、本人確認書類の現物確認を行います。下記記載の「有効な本人確認書類」を必ずご準備のうえ、お越しください。当日現物確認ができない場合は、参加をお断りさせていただきます。


■“Identification document with photo”


②Driver's license

③Student ID card with photo

*If you have a student ID card with your name written on it by hand, please bring one of the items (a) to (f) below, or one item with your name printed on it, on the day of the event.

*Please note that student ID cards for those over 19 years old will not be accepted, even if they have a photo of the person's face.

④My number card

*Please use a special card case where your personal number cannot be seen.

⑤Basic resident register card

⑥Disability certificate

・Physical disability certificate (with photo)

・Mental disability health and welfare notebook (with photo)

・Rehabilitation notebook (with photo)

⑦Residence card

⑧Special permanent resident certificate

If you do not have items ① to ⑧, please confirm with two items from (a) to (f) below, or at least one item with one of items (a) to (f) and your name printed or engraved. Masu. Please note that two items with only names will not be accepted.

(a) Insurance card

(b) Copy of resident record

(c) Copy of family register

(d) Family register extract

(e) Seal registration certificate

(f) Pension book

■Examples of items with names printed or engraved on them

·staff identity card

・Student ID without a photo (Student ID without a photo and with a handwritten name is not acceptable)

·credit card

·Cash card

*Public utility bills (electricity, water, etc.) and various types of mail are not accepted, even if your name is printed on them.

*My Number notification cards (without a photo) are also not accepted.

*If you are a foreign national, please be sure to bring a "passport" that can clearly identify you.

※외국 국적이신 분은 명확한 본인확인을 위해 여권을 반드시 준비해주세요.

※Foreign customers will need valid passport for identification.

*In all cases, photocopied/handwritten/expired/anything that has been altered to make it unusable will not be accepted.

*Manipulating or forging identity verification documents, and using forged identity verification documents are all criminal acts.





「 ME:I OFFICIAL FANCLUB 」&「 ME:I Mail 」W会員のみが参加できる「ME:I PON!」抽選会を実施いたします!



「 ME:I OFFICIAL FANCLUB 」、「 ME:I Mail 」両方に加入していただいているW会員の方

"way to participate"

「ME:I OFFICIAL FANCLUB 」「ME:I Mail 」サイト内に掲載予定のバナーよりご参加ください。


・シリアルナンバー受け取り時点でW会員の日数が2ヶ月以上の方は 2つ または 3つ まとめての発行となります。(詳しくはシリアルナンバー受け取り表よりご確認ください。)


・第1回:8月24日 (土) 11:30 ~ 8月31日 (土) 23:59

・第2回:9月1日 (日) 0:00 ~ 9月30日 (月) 23:59

・第3回:10月1日 (火) 0:00 ~ 10月31日 (木) 23:59


Scheduled for mid-November





※8月31日(土) 23:59までにW会員になった方は、最大3つのシリアルナンバーを受け取りいただけます。


*Since serial numbers will be issued according to the number of days of continuity, if you have been a W member for more than two months at the time of receiving the serial numbers, you will be given two or three serial numbers at once.


※シリアルナンバーの受け取りを忘れてしまった場合は、翌月に受け取ることが可能です。ただし、最終の受け取りは【10月31日(木) 23:59まで】となりますのでご注意ください。

*Under any circumstances, we will not be able to accept collection after 23:59 on Thursday, October 31st. Please make sure to collect your package by 23:59 on Thursday, October 31st.

*Please note that if you cancel your membership midway, you will not be eligible for the lottery, regardless of the reason.

*If you cancel your membership midway, you will retain the serial number that was assigned to you, but please note that you will not be able to use that number in the lottery.

※ただし、一旦退会状態となったとしても同月末までに同じPlus member ID(メールアドレス)でログインした後再登録(=決済手続き)を行っていただくと、入会日を引き継いでシリアルナンバーをお受け取りできます。



※当選者の方へは、11月の当選発表後にFANCLUBにご登録の住所宛へ順次発送させていただきます。必ず【10月31日(木) 23:59まで】にマイページよりご確認ください。


【 W会員の方は事前にご確認ください 】

※異なるPlus member ID(メールアドレス)でME:I OFFICIAL FANCLUB、ME:I Mailを登録している場合はW会員とはなりませんのでご注意ください。 詳しくはこちらをご参照ください。

*It is possible to change the ID so that you can use all services with one Plus member ID (email address), but this may not be possible depending on your electronic ticket application status, possession status, and the timing of your inquiry. Masu. Please check with plenty of time.

*Please check "What is a W Member?" below to see if you are a W member, and then check in advance on the "Redemption Test Page."

※「 ME:I OFFICIAL FANCLUB 」 または 「 ME:I Mail 」の片方のみのご登録ではご参加いただけません。

★ 引き換えテストページはこちら 

▼ Click here to register for ME:I OFFICIAL FANCLUB

▼ Click here to register for ME:I Mail



*We are unable to respond to all inquiries. Thank you for your understanding.

*Depending on the content of your inquiry, it may take several days for us to respond.


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